Cybernetic Interface System
Quick-Start Sheet
for the BrainMaster System
You must have BrainMaster software version 2.0 or newer installed.
You should have downloaded and saved CIS Setup and a CIS suite for BrainMaster.
CIS Setup
The setup prepares the computer so that it is ready for the CIS Suites to
be installed.
Running CIS setup is done only once. The setup also contains the
manual and other support documentation.
CIS Suites
Each suite has multiple feedback interfaces, as well as permutations of each
feedback interface, so that they can be used with training protocols requiring
different numbers of training variables.
Run CIS Setup.
Follow the on-screen instructions.
Run a CIS suite installation.
Follow the on-screen instructions.
Prepare the client and start your BrainMaster training session as you normally would, but be sure to turn off any sound feedback coming from the BrainMaster software (the CIS will provide sound for feedback).
Start the CIS (double-click the icon on the desktop). A menu listing the CIS suites that are installed will be displayed.
Select and start a CIS suite and/or feedback interface to use for training from the CIS suite menu. The menu dynamically changes so that you can only make choices that make sense in the current context of the defined training variables.
The CIS suite will start and you will see a panel used to control some things related to training periods (CIS suite control panel). Press the “Start Training” button to begin the training.
Continue to use your BrainMaster system as you normally would (setting thresholds, pausing, etc.). Threshold settings can also be adjusted from the CIS suite control panel.
After running CIS Setup, there will be a “Cybernetic Interface System” folder on the Programs bar. The CIS folder contains links to some important utilities and documentation.